Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Seeking after 'things'

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above you heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Matthew 6 starting with verse 31 says

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)(do you realize that the Bible contains the first smiley face?) for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things.

The key word in this verse is 'seek' to 'seek after' the things of this life - the eating, the drinking, the clothing - and yet is that not what our lives are made of sometimes? We work, we eat, we shop, we sleep. Some of us make our living teaching others ways to cook for the family. Still others promote eating out. Yet this scripture tells us that the Gentiles - the ungodly - 'seek after' these things....what shall we eat? what shall we drink?

What if - all we had to eat was a meal and oil cake for three years like Elijah and the widow had? Or what if we only had manna to eat for forty years? What if - our shoes did not wear out and our clothes did not wear out like the children of Israel? Would we not, like they, complain?

If God meets our needs according to his riches in glory and our 'needs' are met, do we not consider that just poverty level?
More than our needs is what we're after.

How many of us have more than one pair of shoes? How many of us choose what we wear each day from a closet full?

I used to not have very many clothes. I got to meeting people who needed large size clothes. Every time I would meet someone who was my size and needed clothes, I seemed to empty my closet. Several times I gave away so much that I gave away stuff I needed. I did not do this to get back. I saw a need and gave. Now, my closet is so full, I have nice clothes that I don't even have occasion to wear. And you know what? I don't even know where they came from.

So what if we gave away money - food - whatever our need instead of putting back for tomorrow. Giving instead of what can I get. Would we be able to hold all that God would bring into our storehouses?

But (there's the but) seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

So, I think what Jesus is saying here is don't get sucked into things. Things come and things go but(there's the but) seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and He will add things unto you.

I have never been a big shopper. Walmart added to society gave us the shop-til-you-drop syndrome. Everything you need in one great big spot, and the psychology behind it for them is to split up what you need. Put groceries on one side of the store and put deodorant and toothpaste on the other side and in the walking across the store you surely will see something else you want. Put items they want sold in eyesight and put the best priced on the top or bottom shelf. And the clincher - put things that kids like down where they can see them. Ever see a kid throwing a fit for something they couldn't have?

I know people who absolutely live for shopping. If they aren't garage saleing, they are Goodwilling. If they are not Goodwilling, they are Walmarting. We need to stop and think first about living for God and His righteousness - that can fill our lives until 'things' just drop away and you can't find anything that is more important to you than living for God...even if it is eating meal and oil cooked to perfection. After the giving, your storehouse will be full.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

One day at a time, sweet Jesus. What can we do today to glorify God? What can we give to someone that has a need?

This holiday season instead of thinking what can we get - consider what can we give. Instead of loading your kids down with any and all things, let them give to someone else. Let them pick an angel off the tree to give to. Let them get outside of themselves and learn to give and not just get. That is honorable to God.

Most of all during this blessed season, give and don't worry about receiving. Don't destroy your budget doing it. Did you ever consider that that is the reason this is a happy season - everyone gets full of cheer and just gives and enjoys giving and it feels so think of others rather than ourselves. This is the Godly and ungodly. The ba-humbugs never feel good anyway you go about it.

Better close for now. Lord, direct this holiday season for us. You orchestrate it to where we give like you want us to give...we live like you want us to live and help us to put You and Your Kingdom first in our lives. Help us not to get sucked into 'things,' God. It is so easy to lose it in this age we live in. Tap us on the shoulder when we are not going the right way. In Jesus Name. Amen ( it is done)



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