Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Good Morning Psalms 38 reminds us that there are consequences to sin. We would like to believe in our religious world today that it is all above sin and consequences.

David was considered the friend of God, however, he suffered consequences when he sinned and Psalms 38 is a reminder to us of the pain he was in physically as his consequence. This was not just a mental consequence. It was a physical consequence from his sin.

David not only took another man's wife that he had lusted after, but he also had the husband killed so that he could have his wife. How about that for some headlines. KING HAS KILLED HUSBAND OF WOMAN HE LOVES!

Because David was a man after God's own heart and because God sees and knows all, even to the intent of our heart, there was consequences. Because of his sin, one of the consequences was David got a venereal disease, and this chapter is David lamenting the pain in his body and how he held his faith in God to rescue him because he followed the thing that good is.

Somehow when I read this Psalms this morning I thought of Jimmy Swaggart. He is getting to be an old man now and I listen to him every day. Jimmy has made his mistakes, but all you have to do is hear him sing to know who he serves. It is all foolishness to him now but he still reaps the consequences of what he did for all the world to see and know. His son and his grandson continue his ministry. I listen to his wife every night coming home from work.

Like David in the Psalms 38 that says

"But I, as a deaf man, heard not; and I was as a dumb man that opens not his mouth, Thus I was as a man that hears not, and in whose mouth are no reproofs.

For in thee, O Lord, do I hope: you will hear, O Lord my God.

For I said, Hear me, lest otherwise they should rejoice over me:

when my foot slipped, they magnify themselves against me.

For I am ready to halt, and my sorrow is continually before me.

For I will declare my iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin.

But my enemies are lively, and they are strong; and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied.

They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.

Forsake me not, O Lord; O my God, be not far from me.

Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation

Jimmy Swaggart, as an old man, said the other day that the news media in Baton Rouge still taunt him and his ministry, but as an old man he says, 'it doesn't bother me any more. I know who I serve.'

I know who he serves because I listen to him and you can't fake a sincere heart. He prayed that his son would not get musical talent and Donny didn't. Donny preaches. But Jimmy sings.. and oh the anointing. His heart is turned toward God and his music tells that. He has ministered so many times to me over the years.

He was a friend of Laverne Walker out in Tull. She was raised with him. She was the one who introduced his music to me. 'Touching Jesus is all that matters and your life will never be the same. There is only one way to touch him and that is believe when you call on his name.' He can take a forgotten old song and make it true to your heart. 'Then I met the Master, and my life has never been the same.' Or 'The old account was settled long ago...down on my knees.' He can sing about Jesus and it makes the hair on your head stand up....because he follows the thing that good is.

Now think about it folks - why wouldn't the devil want to shut him up and ruin his name. I'm not saying that Jimmy didn't do wrong, because he did. But let the one among us who is without sin cast the first stone. There are no little sins in God's eye. The difference is that when you are a public figure, your sin becomes public knowledge.

Like David he sinned and we all knew it, but(there's the but) because he follows the thing that good is, his life means something.

He sings 'Only Jesus can satisfy your soul. Only He can give you peace and make you whole. He'll give you peace you never knew, sweet joy and comfort, and heaven too. For only Jesus can satisfy your soul.'

I would only hope that my life could touch a small portion with the thing that good is as Jimmy's life has.

Lord, thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for making us the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Be merciful to us, God, when we slip and fall. Let us not be utterly cast down because your Word says - You uphold us with Your hand. I pray for Jimmy today that you would bless him and give him the strength to go forward letting his heart show the thing that good is - YOU, LORD. In Jesus Name. Amen ( it is done)

Have A Nice Day Have a great day today!!



The Howitzer said...

you are the blogspot queen

Anonymous said...

Very nice my friend.