Monday, November 19, 2007

'don't worry! be happy!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I worked Saturday but rested totally Sunday. Couldn't help myself.

I am so blessed this year. Blessings seem to be coming out of the woodwork for me. Everywhere I look something else good has happened to me. I thank God for all his blessings to me. Since this is Thanksgiving week, I suppose that is a good way to start this thanking God for our blessings.

It is funny to me how God works. You can ask Him, you can cry out to Him, you can even think that you deserve blessings to be heaped upon you, but all is in God's timing. When He decides to open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you.....that's when it happens. You can't control God and His workings. When He thinks you are ready, that is when He will bless you.

Matthew 6: starting with 25 says not to worry about tomorrow, or your clothes, or your food, because you Heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. Really now! Looking back over your life, can you remember a time that you were actually hungry or had to naked because you didn't have any clothes? or shoes? maybe you were broke, but you still made it to work. Right?

It says Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what shall you eat, or what you shall drink: nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and they body than rainment?

It goes on to say Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they?

Several years ago I made a cassette on which I sang. When I started to make it, the fellow that was helping me said if I didn't want to pay the copyright fees for the songs that I sang, I would have to use my own music. Well, needless to say, I didn't have any music that I had written. So, I asked the Lord to give me some songs of my own.

I walked into my kitchen one day and looked out the window. There was a little sparrow out in my back yard just peck-peck-pecking all around.

I told the Lord 'Now You and I are sharing a special moment, Lord, because no one else can see that little bird but you and I.' I turned to walk away and the Lord said this to me.

He said "My children are like that little sparrow. They just peck-peck-peck all around and never look up, because if they would look up, they would know that I am watching over them."

Then He gave me my first song, the words go like this:

As a child, I was always afraid of thunder,
And my mother knew as I played in the yard,
so at the first sign of a dark cloud she'd be over me,
telling me 'Child, don't be afraid for I'm with you.'

Look up, my child, I'm watching over you.
Look up, my child, for I will see you through.
Look up, my child, when storm clouds frighten you.
Look up, my child, for I will see you through.

Now, in the Bible we read of the disciples,
As they fished along the Sea of Galilee,
And as a storm cloud so swift began to gather,
Jesus said 'Don't be afraid for I'm with thee.'

Now as a child of God I walk along this journey,
Many trials and temptations come my way,
but I remember what my mother used to tell me,
and I can now hear my Heavenly Father say.

Look up, my child, I'm watching over you.
Look up, my child, for I will see you through.
Look up, my child, when storm clouds frighten you.
Look up, my child, for I will see you through.

So 'don't worry - be happy.' This is God's way for us to travel. To look to him in all of life's situations for he will take care of us and see us through.

Lord, remind us to look up to you. To include you in our everyday lives because you care about us. In Jesus Name. Amen ( it is done)

Have a great day today!


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