Well, it's time to get the old turkey in scope. Thanksgiving is coming up on Thursday and it is my favorite holiday. For a couple of years I had an open house, but this year we are going to Bill's daughter's house as we have our Thanksgiving sandwiched in between two work days. Besides I want to see everybody - it's been a while.
Matthew 6:starting with 27 says this
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
Did you ever think about what you can change and what you can't?
We worry and fret over our weight because we can change that, but we know it is needless to worry over our height - why? because we can't change that. What is that poem that says 'give me the courage to change the things I can, the patience to accept the things I can't change and the wisdom to know the difference' something like that.
God gives us our height and our inclination to be the way we are built. I have two granddaughters - one is eight and she is skinny as a bean pole and eats everything. She never gains a pound. I have another granddaughter which is twenty-one and she has been hefty all of her life. Everything she eats goes to show.
I have always been hefty....all my life. At some point we have to accept the fact that God gave us our inclination to be built the way we are. Now that doesn't say..don't care..eat what you want..part of serving God is using moderation in all things, but what I am saying is don't beat yourself up because you aren't as good looking as your icon. God accepts us as we are - that is a wonderful thing - so do the same for yourself - accept yourself as you are and trust God for the outcome.
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Times have changed so. When I was a girl, you had a Sunday dress and Sunday shoes that you only wore on Sunday to church. Mother made all of our clothes (I am the youngest of five). When we started to school we had five new dresses that mother had made for us - one for every day in the week. She even made our slips and panties, gowns, everything. I never had a store-bought dress until I was twenty years old. Now my sisters were older than me - they were 16-15-13-10 when I was born. So to sew for them was a real task but when I came along it was easier because there was just one of me.
If I would tell my mother an idea for a new dress, when I got in from school she would have it made. We would shop at Rephans looking for the right material for a dress.
I can still remember the Sunday dresses she made for me. Beautiful dresses - made by her own hands. I have spent many hours trying to keep my finger in the middle of the silver knob on her sewing machine while she sewed for us.
What is happening in this world? God says for us to not worry over what we put on because He will clothe us. Just look at the flowers, they don't worry about what they are going to look like and God clothes them so splendidly even better than Solomon in all his glory.
I never worried over what I would put on because my mother looked after that. She saw my need and supplied it. Is that not the way we should be with God. To not worry and fret over our material needs because our Father sees our needs and supplies them?
What did Jesus say? O YE OF LITTLE FAITH!
Does that mean that we shouldn't care? Of course not. Does that mean we shouldn't plan ahead? Of course not. But(there's the but) it does mean we should not prioritize these material things in our lives to the point that we no longer trust in God to supply for us.
In other words, I prayed, I didn't get quick enough, so I'll do it my way. God just isn't fast enough.
God's ways are different from our ways. He looks at things differently. What we see one way, He can show us numerous ways of looking at things if we will simply ask Him, trust in Him, and wait for Him.
Thank you, Lord, for supplying all our needs according to your riches in glory. Help us to wait for you - to trust in your ways and not ours. Help us to simplify our lives, to slow down and to enjoy things with our families that we haven't enjoyed before. In Jesus Name. Amen (it is done)
Have a great day!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Ask - Trust - Wait
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