Wednesday, December 26, 2007

For unto us a child is given -

Good morning! My name is Charlotte and I am writing to help us give our first thoughts to the Lord.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I did. Got a new coffee pot which I needed. Now I can set my coffee pot the night before and when I get up in the morning, everything will be smelling like it ought to smell. ha!ha!

In Luke 2 we continue reading the beginning of the live of Jesus. After the shepherds came to the manger that night in Bethlehem so long ago, verse 19 says Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherd returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
(Jesus means Savior or God of salvation)

And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord)

And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.
(the sacrifice that people made under the law was according to their classification e.i. more wealthy brought a lamb, poor people brought turtledoves or pigeons - turtledoves and pigeons were plentiful and could be purchased at a small price - Mary and Joseph was of the poor class as was noted by their sacrifice)

And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting to the consolation of Israel (a term for the Messiah): and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now let thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For my eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all the people; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.

And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (Yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

A sword did pierce through Mary's soul when she watched her baby son die on that cross. To mother's their children are always their babies.

Jesus was an ordinary baby. He did not have a halo. He cried just like any other baby to communicate his needs or dislikes.

When Simeon saw Jesus, the Holy Spirit revealed to him who Jesus was. This scripture says the Holy Ghost was upon him. So, what he saw, he saw in the spirit. It wasn't because Jesus looked out of the ordinary or had a halo like so many pictures detect.

On a time line we can put Mary and Joseph calling his name Jesus at eight days. They made the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem before Jesus was born. It does not say where they stayed until the days of her purification. Her purification according to the law was forty days after the birth of a son or eighty days after the birth of a daughter. Isn't that interesting!

It did take me longer to get over the birth of my daughter than the births of my sons. I never thought about it before. Maybe that is the way nature has us hooked up. Don't know! Just thinking!

I wonder if they stayed in the stable - or in the inn - or if they made the trip back to Nazareth where their home was.

After the forty days of her purification, they went to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.

From Nazareth to Bethlehem was about 60 miles - 9 months pregnant on a donkey and Joseph on foot.

If they went back home that was another 60 miles right after the birth of Jesus and with a newborn on a donkey? My mother heart tells me not so -

Jerusalem was about 15 miles from Bethlehem. To make a 15 mile trip after Jesus was a month old on a donkey would make more sense. So common sense would tell us that they stayed that forty days in Bethlehem until the days of her purification were ended.

Joseph was a carpenter and if you are a carpenter you can find work anywhere. My son is a carpenter and he never lacks for work.

So, this is just surmising, Joseph could have just gone to work to provide for them until Mary was able to travel. That is when they went to Jerusalem - 15 miles away. That makes sense but may not have been the way it was.

Joseph took good care of Mary and Jesus so he would look out for their good. God knew that and that is why Joseph was chosen of God.

All the rituals of the law is what Jesus came to do away with for us. We no longer have to sacrifice - Jesus was our sacrifice and the final one. We no longer have all the don't travels - the after 8 days - after 40 days - after 60 days. The law was done away with in Jesus. Our baby boys are circumcised still in the hospital before we bring them home - not of rituals but of hygiene.

Better close for now. Have a great day today - the day after Christmas. I had to work Christmas but am off today and tomorrow.


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