Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Little things mean a lot.......

Good morning! My name is Charlotte and I am writing to help us give our first thoughts to the Lord.

In serving God, most of the time, it's the little things that count. The little foxes that end up messing you up. The little things that only God sees that tells Him you serve Him and only Him.

Remember the widow who put in her penny and no one even noticed. It was Jesus who said that she was more blessed than all the people who put in a lot and got the trumpet blown for them.

Remember the woman who had the issue of blood and said if she could just touch Jesus' garment she knew she would be made whole. With all the crowd around Him one day, she reached out and touched just the hem of Jesus' garment. When she did, Jesus said He felt virtue go forth from Him. That healing power flowed out of Him because someone had touched Him with a touch of faith. From that moment on she was whole.

It's the little things.

It's the doing when nobody knows you're doing the doing so to speak.

One time when I was in a very abusive relationship, my husband would not let me work, yet I had bills that he would not pay. I was desperate and the only avenue to pay my bills was my son, who worked at McDonald's, and the Lord.

I had a friend that did a radio program and I had heard her say that they prayed over every penny that came into her ministry. I told the Lord I would send some money to Tina but I didn't have any. The Lord reminded me that I did in my purse upstairs. I went and looked and sure enough there was three pennies. I took those pennies and taped them to a sheet of paper and sent them to Tina....no signature. In just a short time I got an envelope in the mail. I opened it and there was a$300.00 check made out to me only. God returned to me $100.00 for every penny I had trusted in Him with.

There is an old song that shouts "LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT."

I was sharing with a friend about how when I came to Arkansas we were in poverty. We lived with my mother for a while which was a fiasco and then we moved into a little house with holes in the walls (had to cover them with pictures). We lived out in Tull which was about 11 miles from Benton. Mother sold her house and moved into town and I wanted to move in town with her - not with her but by her.

I prayed and prayed over a place to live that we could afford, and be half way decent to live in. I made about $70.00 a week. One day on the way to work, the Lord spoke to my heart to stop by the store and get a newspaper. I did, and when I looked in the rental section, an apartment was for rent that a friend of mine had been living in. We had visited her one time and so I knew what the apartment looked like.

I told the Lord, if this was from Him, that when I called the woman about the apartment, she would rent it to me over the phone with no deposit. Sure enough...she rented the apartment to me with no deposit, and it was $70.00 a month which was in my budget.

The children and I moved into that apartment and made it our home for four years. To some it might not have been a fancy place, but to us it was home.

It's the little things. Listening when God speaks. Acting when He gives us a direction. Obeying without seeing where we are going. Believing when there seems to be no way.

In Judges 13 we read the story of Samson, the strongest man that ever lived. The thing that made him strong was the fact that he was not to drink wine and he was not to cut his hair. (He was called a Nazarite)

Now that is a little thing....who would have thought that not cutting your hair would make you strong....or not drinking of wine (that is more believable to me than the cutting of the hair).

We find that although Samson knew the secret of his strength, he would get just as close as he could to temptation and finally, his weakness (Delilah) was his downfall when he told her his secret and she cut his hair.

Such a small thing....but huge! A little fox that spoiled his vineyard.

Little things can make us or break us.

Lord, help us to see the little foxes in our lives. Help us to listen to You and hear what You say to us. Tap us on the shoulder when we do what we shouldn't do and help us to live for You in the doing and the not doing. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Have a great day today!


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